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About NPAM

NPAM is the only nursing organization in Manitoba that is governed by and employs active practicing nurse practitioners as a non-profit corporation.

nurse looking at young patient

Established in 1999, the Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitoba is a group who endeavors to educate employers, nurses, the public, regulators, students, and labor unions about nurse practitioners to ensure the delivery of safe quality patient care.

Recently, NPAM has led or been a source to inform:

Public and health care education and policy in consultation with the Public Health Agency of Canada Vaccine Education with 11 collaborating Manitoba health professions partners, Minister of Health, Shared Health Leadership, MNU, CRNM, ARNM, NPAC, Health Canada Chief Nursing Officer, Federal Minister of Health and Deputy Minister of Health Roundtable, Health Canada Canadian Academy of Health Sciences’ Assessment on Health and Human Resources, Canada Health Infoway PrescribeIT® Policy & Priorities, Healthcare Excellence Canada & Canada Health Infoway policy

doctor looking into teens ear

In 2021, in collaboration with the Manitoba Health Care Professional Associations Coalition, ARNM, and SpiritRx, NPAM submitted a proposal to the Immunization Partnership Fund to fund the project “Vaccine education program: Building capacity for rural and remote vaccination and vaccine promoters”. Supporting vaccine capacity as vaccinators and promotors is essential to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake, more so in rural and remote regions due to the disproportionate burden of disease. In order to build capacity of healthcare providers as vaccinators or enhance their knowledge and skills as vaccine promoters in rural and remote areas, the proposed program includes the development of virtual simulation experiences (VSE) that are primarily targeted to the 11 Manitoba-wide HCPs group coalition including First Nations community health representatives in Manitoba.