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npam conference attendance

NPAM Conference 2024

The 2024 14th annual NPAM Conference will be held in-person at the Victoria Inn (1808 Wellington Ave, Winnipeg) on Friday, October 25th, 2024.

Discover, Connect, and Grow!

We are thrilled to invite you to the 14th Annual Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitoba (NPAM) Conference. This year, we are celebrating the dedication and expertise of NPs while coming together for an enriching in-person experience.

Conference Highlights:

Date: Friday, October 25th, 2024
Venue: Victoria Inn, 1808 Wellington Ave, Winnipeg

What to Expect:

This year’s conference promises to be an incredible opportunity for professional development and networking. We will cover a wide range of topics, including anti-indigenous racism, menopause management, insomnia, cognitive assessments, HIV, common eye complaints and more!

Check out our full schedule below!

Networking Opportunity:

Wrap up your day with our exclusive cocktail hour! Connect with friends and colleagues in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. This event is included with your conference registration at no extra cost. Simply add the free ticket to your registration so we can count you in!

Early Bird registration is now open!

We look forward to celebrating and learning together. See you in October!

Cancellation Policy

All registration cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to NPAM at conference@nursepractitioner.ca no later than 11:59 pm CT on Friday, October 4th, 2024. Refunds for written cancellation requests received between October 5th-17th, 2024 will be assessed a non-refundable $125 fee for food and administrative costs. Cancellation requests received after October 17th, 2024 will not receive a refund.

Friday, October 25, 2024

8:00 AM – 4:30 PM (plus Optional Cocktail Hour)

Victoria Inn, 1808 Wellington Ave, Winnipeg

Victoria Inn


Click here for full schedule: NPAM 2024 Conference Agenda

7:30am – 8:00am Registration & Refreshments
8:00am – 8:15am Opening Remarks
8:15am – 9:15am Plenary Session: 
Anti-Indigenous Racism and Cultural Humility/Safety: Unpacking what this means in my day-to-day practice
Presenter: Dr. Sara Goulet
9:20am – 10:05am Breakout Sessions:
Insomnia in Primary Care – Presenter: Dr. Norah Vincent, PhD Psych
Weightloss Meds and the Medical Gym – Presenter: Danielle Kustra, MN NP
10:05am – 10:35am Refreshment Break
10:35am – 11:20am Breakout Sessions:
The Essentials of Oral Mucosa: From Normal to Neoplasms – Presenter: Dr. Mohamad Kadhim, DDS, FRCDC
Pediatric MSK – Presenter: Dr. Norm Silver 
11:25am – 12:05pm Breakout Sessions:
Cognitive Assessments in Primary Care – Presenter: Dr. Alastair Brown
Perimenopause – Navigating the Storm – Presenter: Dr. Denise Black
12:00pm – 1:00pm NETWORKING LUNCH
1:00pm – 1:45pm Breakout Sessions:
IDA; Beyond Fatigue – Presenter: Dr. Jan Grauman
Beyond the Bedside: How Nurse Practitioners are Transforming Cancer Care – Presenter: CancerCare NP Panel
1:45pm – 2:15pm Break
2:15pm – 3:00pm Breakout Sessions:
Common Eye Complaints – Presenter: Dr. Tyler Buffie, Optometrist
The Power of CGM – Transforming Diabetes Management in Primary Care – Presenter: Lori Berard RN, CDF
3:00pm – 3:15pm Refreshment Break
3:15pm – 4:15pm Plenary Session:
HIV in Manitoba, Primary Care Recommendations for Prevention, Testing and Care – Presenter: Dr. Laurie Ireland
4:15pm – 4:30pm Closing Remarks
4:30pm – 6:00pm Cocktail Hour


2024 Learning Objectives & Speaker Bios

This will continue to be updated as we receive more information from our speakers.

Call for Abstracts

The Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitoba Annual Conference is an important forum for nurse practitioners across Manitoba to come together for professional development. This conference is a one day event that creates an environment to network with colleagues and discuss best practices for practitioners who serve diverse client groups from across the lifespan.

Abstracts can be submitted to: conference@nursepractitioner.ca and will be accepted until Friday, October 4th, 2024.

Secure Your Spot Today!